Gender,Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation-Week 3-SBazil

My response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families.

Children are sent to school to have a well rounded education, and to prepare them to live, and live with others, in a diverse society. Same sex families and LGBTs are an integral part of our society and students should be aware of this. Having books depicting gay and lesbian individuals and same sex families may be the only means of exposing some students to these different type of families, and/or making them aware that child who are members of these types of families are just as normal as they are. Having these books may also be a way of correcting the wrong and biased information which may have been passed on to students regarding homosexuals and teaching them to respect differences. The same way in which we have books about different cultures and languages we can have books showcasing different types of families and individuals. We also want students who belong to these family types to be visible by seeing pictures and books that represent their families. Our society is diverse and we have to be abreast of the changes.

How I would respond to a parent/family member who informed me that they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child

I would let them know that the sexual orientation of persons would not affect how they perform and how the students learn. Persons are employed based on their professional qualification and they are expected to perform and behave in a certain way. Having a child interact with a person who is a homosexual would not cause a child to become one, and it would not “rub off” on the child. Being a homosexual does not make a person a pedophile. What is important is that the person who is employed should perform his/her duties to the best of his/her ability.

If you have ever used or heard homophobic terms such as “fag,” “gay,” “homo,” “sissy,” “tom boy,” or “lesbo” as an insult by a child toward another child? Or, by an adult toward a child? Describe what occurred. How might these types of comments influence all children?

I went to a kid’s party and saw a little boy playing with all the “girl’s” items like baby doll, make up, jewelry and shoes while the other boys were playing with trucks, cars and guns. I overheard an adult say to him, “Are you a girl? Stop playing with those toys.” The child responded, “My mom lets me play with them.” She then told the boy that he will be a fag when he grows up. I was in shock to hear an adult express a view so openly, and to child where other children were around. If the other children at the party heard her they may now be calling this child a fag. She has made him feel that because he plays with toys that are considered girls’ toys that he is a fag. She has sent the wrong message to everyone who was there that children should play with toys considered to be gender related toys. So I guess girls can’t play with guns and cars because they will be tom boys, which is totally not true.